Make sure that your vehicle, home owners and household insurance adequately covers you against damage to property caused by hail.
The following tips to motorists and home owners:
When driving on the road
Do not park your vehicle under a tree as there is risk of falling debris or branches falling on your vehicle.
Stay in your vehicle until the storm has passed.
Look for cover when you are caught off-guard a hail storm, this can be under a covered car park or petrol station. Drivers also need to be cautious when pulling over, hazard lights should be on so that the safety of both the driver and others on the road is not put at risk.
When in your house
You must ensure that gutters are cleaned and free from debris so that ice and water can move from the roof.
Outdoor equipment and furniture should be moved undercover when a heavy storm is forecast.
Structures of roofs should be monitored thoroughly to ensure they do not buckle under the weight of the hail in the event of a blocked drainage system