We have found that several clients are needing additional cover for new bonds, increased salaries and various changing needs and would like to take this opportunity to remind you of your Extra Cover Buy up option that you will have if you have a BrightRock RISK policy in place.
The extra cover buy-up facility
The extra cover buy-up facility allows clients to buy cover when their needs change or their ability to afford their cover changes - free of medical underwriting, provided they use the facility at least once every three years. With the cover buy-up, clients can increase their cover as long as they can prove the financial need (on request only) or prove a change in their insurable interests. Because cover is added to their existing BrightRock policy, the client's premium will increase.
For those who qualified at underwriting stage, the above benefit is automatically included on your policy (the amount of cover will differ from client to client) and all you need to do is advise us of the additional cover you need. We can simply top your policy up with a servicing quote and as no medicals are required, the changes will go through automatically and efficiently.
We are looking forward to an exciting 2019 and will keep you updated on your Risk enhancements available, as well as additional benefits and products that we will be able to offer you in the new year!
Wishing you all a wonderful festive season, be safe, enjoy your valuable time with your loved once and know that PBA Brokers are always here for you.