Vitality is a health programme that encourages and rewards members for leading a healthier lifestyle.
The programme is based on a unique combination of clinical evidence and behavioural economics to address the global epidemic of chronic diseases of lifestyle.
It is grounded in research that shows that people can make a significant impact on their health by changing their lifestyle.
The Vitality programme evolves over time to stay up-to-date with the latest clinical evidence.
With this in mind, we regularly review the structure of our screening tests and the success of our various partnerships.
The aim is to encourage clinically and age-appropriate screenings, and to ensure that Vitality points allocated for screening tests remain appropriate and impactful.
Vision screening
The current international clinical evidence for glaucoma screening is lacking support of population-based testing in all adults, but recognises that older individuals are most at-risk.
Accordingly, from 1 May 2019, only members over the age of 60 will earn Vitality points for glaucoma tests.
It is advised that these members do a glaucoma test as part of a vision test, earning 3 500 Vitality points on completion of both tests.
Members who experience any visual problems, have concerns of any kind or who may be at risk, should consult with their doctor or optometrist for individual guidance.
EyeGym partnership.
While EyeGym remains a Vitality Drive partner, due to limited engagement by children, from 1 May 2019 children that complete the EyeGym course will no longer receive Vitality Health points.
Frequency of testing for the Vitality Health Check and Vitality Fitness Assessment.
Members whose results are out of range for either of these assessments are at greater risk of chronic diseases.
Such members have the ability to take action through lifestyle changes or medication, and complete the assessment again later in the year.
Vitality awards points based on the best result in the year for each metric.
Going forward, members will only be awarded additional Vitality points if their tests are performed at least 90 days apart. This allows sufficient time for members to address their underlying risk factors and take steps towards improving their results.
Vitality will continue to review and update our screening recommendations and any changes made will be timeously communicated to members and advisers.