As we celebrate Workers’ Day, we explore the 4 benefits that matter most to millennials.
By 2025, millennials will make up 75% of the workforce. These are the 3 benefits that matter most:
1. Health Insurance: Surveys show that health insurance is the most important benefit to millennials, especially dental benefits.
2. Flexible Work Schedules: Millenials are willing to take a pay-cut in exchange for flexibility.
3. Learning and Development: Millenials are hungry to learn and succeed.
4. Retirement Funding: Millennials expect employers to generously match their savings.
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Workers Day or “May Day” has been unofficially celebrated in South Africa since the 1980’s. Workers Day became officially recognised after the 1994 elections.
It celebrates social justice and workers rights and ultimately freedom.
Freedom to work, freedom to spend time with family, and freedom to choose to work in organisations that respect and care for the people that serve them.