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Your Investment Portfolio

Coronavirus has not only disrupted our daily routines and lifestyle habits, but it has also caused a severe economic downturn around the world. The stock market is crashing, share prices are at an all-time low, and people are beginning to question their investment portfolios. This can be stressful for young and old investors alike. However, instead of taking rash remedial actions that can adversely impact your goals.

Do’s to protect your investment portfolio

  1. Create an emergency fund

  2. Do put your bills on hold, if you're able

  3. Do look into refinancing your bond

  4. Stay ready for when the market recovers

  5. Do leave your retirement money alone

Don’ts to protect your investment portfolio

  1. Do not let fear alter your decisions

  2. Don't get carried away with online shopping

  3. Don't go without health insurance

While the world battles a health pandemic, the global economy is bound to suffer too. It is hard to predict what the future holds, but panic and anxiety can make things worse. You should stick to the fundamentals of investing without tampering with your portfolio out of fear.

Contact one of our advisors for more information.

Phone: 011 803 9686

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