No one wants to think about what would happen to their family if they were to pass away. One of your most important responsibilities is to make sure that your loved ones are taken care of financially if you are no longer around. Yes Real life does happen and not only in terms of Covid-19 but we are all exposed to accidents, crime, and health risks.
The first priority is to make sure that your active income is protected, and that what you were bringing into the household prior to your death or disability is replaced. By focusing on replacing your income, you’ll help make sure that all monthly expenses are adequately catered for. This can be done for your protection in terms of Disability and Dread disease and all your needs need to be assessed with a personal Financial Needs Analysis that is specific to you.
At PBA Financial Services we can build a solution with you to take care of your specific needs that will give you peace of mind knowing your family is protected. Imagine knowing that your children’s needs are covered, that you will and can pay for your medical aid when you probably need it the most and that all debt and household expenses are covered!.
You need to assess your current cover on a regular basis as new technology is always available that will provide more cost efficient cover and more comprehensive cover.
In terms of your current cover do you have accelerated benefits, which means you may receive a disability pay out when needed, however will this “Deplete” or reduce your life cover and other benefits? Are you linked to a loyalty program but not engaged and what effect will this have on your premiums and your benefits? Are you integrated into a risk policy where you are still expected to pay high premiums and high increase at age 70 or age 80.
It is always in the fine print… and this you definitely don’t want to discover at claim stage At PBA Financial Services we will assess the fine print and give you peace of mind that you have the correct cover, in the correct structure that will be cost effective and provide financial protection for you and your family.
Contact one of our advisors for more information.
Phone: 011 803 9686
Email: vivian@pbafsa.co.za or bev@pbafsa.co.za