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Invest in your children's future

We at PBA are keenly aware that having children can be a costly affair. The old saying that the best things in life are free obviously never took kids into account. That being said, preemptively adopting a savvy investment strategy will set your child up for a secure and happy future.

Parents from all walks of life have one thing in common when it comes to their children. And that is to ensure that they have every opportunity to succeed in life and exceed all expectations.

Your children’s education

We at PBA know that all parents would like their children to have the best opportunities as they grow up and enter into adulthood. But we also know that when that time comes along, not everyone is able to afford the best education no matter how much they love their child.

Therefore, our services ensure that we are able to offer products that parents can use to help provide for their children’s education. So what are some of the options that we have to offer you?

Save for your children’s future education

Do you possibly have a lump sum that you would like to use to fund your Child’s future education but it is just not enough? Or maybe you have a little bit of extra money that you would like to put aside every month? It's vital that these extra savings are part of an investment account in order to avoid the pitfalls of increased inflation.

As such, there are a number of products such as endowments and unit trusts that you can use to invest and grow your money so that you can get the best use of it when you need it the most.

Ensuring your child is secure, even if you’re no longer around

As a responsible parent, you may have taken out life cover to ensure that should something unforeseen happen to you, your family and, especially your children, will be protected and that their needs and expenses will be provided for.

However, many parents worry that should they pass away while their children are still minors, would the money that they have left behind really be allocated to their children and will this be in the manner in which they intended?

It is exactly for these reasons that we offer products that are specifically designed to directly pay for your children’s education needs, or pay your children’s school or institution in order to ensure that your money goes where you intended it to. It's also to ensure that it does not get misappropriated by whoever is administering the estate that you have left behind.

These types of products are offered by a number of companies. Speak to one of our Financial Advisors to find out which product would best suit yours and your children’s needs should you be interested.

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Phone: 011 803 9686



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(011) 803 9686

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