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Pet Insurance for When Things Get Ruff

For those of us with pets, we can all agree without a doubt that they are a part of the family. While some of our pets live relatively healthy lives or require the occasional trip to the vet, others will ensure that you are on a first-name basis with your local vet. Pet owners consider their pup or kitty as an important member of their family (and in some cases more so than some of their actual relatives). However veterinary bills after a bout of sniffles or an over-exuberant adventure can rack up fast. It is therefore important to have Pet Insurance to help carry the costs.

What is Pet Insurance and How does it Work?

Think of Pet Insurance as a type of Medical Insurance for your pets, with owners being able to choose a plan that suits both their budget and their pet. The premium for this policy can be paid, monthly or annually and covers claims for treatment or conditions outlined in the plan, regardless of your pet’s age. In general, Pet Insurance won’t cover pre-existing conditions, and it’s not meant for everyday care or continual claims for a chronic condition. Like Medical Insurance, Pet Insurance is a short-term agreement made with underwriting that is based on various calculated risks. As this risk changes, so does the premium. For example, if you claim on a regular basis or as your pet gets older, the premium adjusts and increases to match the risk. And then there are the inevitable annual increases that are linked to inflation.

What Animals are Covered with Pet Insurance?

Most Pet Insurance providers will cover domestic cats and dogs. However, if you have scaly, slithery, feather, friends or even a racehorse, you’ll most probably need to look for a different kind of cover.

Plans and Policies

Every Pet Insurance policy differs, and, like any type of insurance, individuals need to read the fine print when looking for the best option. The benefits that make up a range of plans may include the following:

  • Accidental cover: Diagnosis and veterinary treatment

  • Illness cover: Diagnosis and veterinary treatment

  • Third-party liability cover: if your pet injures someone or damages an individual’s property.

  • Hereditary cover: treatment of hereditary related illnesses

  • Additional benefits such as vaccinations, deworming, microchipping, flea control, nail trimming, sterilisation or neutering, dental check-ups and more.

The take-home message is that Pet Insurance provides you with the opportunity to give your furry family members the care they deserve for their loyal companionship and unconditional love. To protect your pet and your wallet, contact PBA Financial Services to find out more.

Phone: 011 803 9686

This article is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as financial, legal or medical advice.



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